JustBob Blog: news and curiosity from the CBD Flower world

all you need to know about CBD

Modified on: 23/05/2024

The Cannabis Sativa Plant is a unique plant, very rich in numerous cannabinoids, such as cannabinol and tetrahydrocannabidiol, the most popular ones. THC and CBD are certainly the ones that stand out for quantity in cannabis sativa and indica inflorescences, but the process undertaken to consider them separately was no small feat. It also had significant […]

What Is Geraniol? Exploring Its Role in Cannabis and Potential Benefits | Justbob

Published on: 21/03/2025

Delving into the World of Geraniol: Aromatic Essence and Emerging Research Geraniol, classified as a monoterpene, represents a fascinating molecule within the realm of organic chemistry, particularly noted for its presence in a diverse array of plant species. To appreciate its characteristics fully, it is crucial to understand its fundamental chemical composition and structural attributes. […]

New Regulations on the Sale of Hemp Flowers in Austria

Published on: 15/03/2025

Starting from 2025, Austria has introduced new regulations regarding the sale of hemp flowers with a THC content of less than 0.3%. According to a recent ruling, these products are no longer classified as narcotics but are now regulated by the tobacco monopoly lawDried hemp flowers with a THC content of no more than 0.3% […]

Why Does Weed Make You Cough? Understanding the Causes | Justbob

Published on: 07/03/2025

Inhaling Cannabis Smoke Triggers a Series of Physiological Responses in the Airways, Leading to Irritation and Coughing In the realm of cannabis consumption, a familiar experience for many is the onset of coughing. For those who partake, this reflex action is often considered a routine, albeit sometimes unwelcome, part of the process. However, the question […]

"Ganja": A Word That Embodies Centuries of History and Deep Meaning | Justbob

Published on: 24/02/2025

From Sanskrit to global culture, the term that defines cannabis tells a story of spirituality, traditions, and cultural exchange across centuries Ganja, a term often used to refer to cannabis, isn’t just another word for the plant; it’s a word steeped in history, culture, and spiritual significance. Have you ever wondered where this term comes […]

Debunking Common Myths: What You Really Need to Know About Marijuana | Justbob

Modified on: 16/03/2025

Unraveling the Smoke Screen: Separating Marijuana Fact from Fiction Have you ever found yourself wondering about marijuana, navigating through a fog of information, some accurate, some not so much? It’s a topic that’s been swirling in conversations for decades, often wrapped in layers of cultural assumptions and half-truths. As marijuana becomes more and more a […]

Does Marijuana Have Side Effects? Here Is What You Need to Know | Justbob

Modified on: 16/03/2025

Exploring the Landscape of Marijuana’s Impact: A Detailed Look at Potential Side Effects Marijuana, a substance derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has a long and multifaceted history of use, spanning medicinal, spiritual, and recreational contexts. The primary psychoactive compound within marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), interacts with the body’s intricate endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors […]

Marijuana Harvesting Time: Let's Talk About It | Justbob

Published on: 10/01/2025

Understanding the Critical Juncture of Cannabis Maturation The culmination of months of careful cultivation hinges on the precise moment of harvest. This juncture, often anticipated with great eagerness, is not simply about the act of cutting down the plants; it’s a decision steeped in understanding plant biology and a keen observation of subtle yet significant […]

Can drug sniffer dog smell cbd | JustBob

Published on: 16/12/2024

Sniffer dogs aren’t trained to distinguish between legal and illegal cannabis, so travellers with CBD products may still encounter checks, particularly in high-surveillance areas like airports and train stations, despite the product’s legality.This article is dedicated to those who like to travel and live in countries where cannabis products such as CBD can be consumed. […]

why marijuana make you laugh | just bob

Published on: 02/12/2024

Discover the benefits of laughter and the link to cannabis: health, well-being and laughter guaranteed.The power of laughter is undeniable: a simple act that can transform our mood and strengthen our physical and mental well-being. Just bob today wants to explain why marijuana makes you laugh. What are its unique effects and how it can […]

The main methods of CBD consumption: are they all equally effective? | Justbob

Published on: 15/11/2024

Is there an optimal mode of cannabidiol intake? What is meant by bioavailability?Welcome back dear loyal readers (but also to you who happened to be here by chance)!As you know, our job is to keep you updated on the latest news related to the universe of legal cannabis, satisfy your curiosity and answer your endless […]