The effects of cannabis on hair growth

The effects of cannabis on hair growth | Justbob

Published on: 02/09/2024

Can taking marijuana damage the scalp? Or, on the contrary, can it be good for the hair?

Today we will attempt to answer many readers’ doubts about the effects of cannabis on hair.

Many people wonder whether the assiduous use of cannabis can, over time, make the scalp weaker, leading to causing baldness; or the opposite, i.e. whether the use of marijuana strengthens the hair bulb and thus makes hair stronger.

The debate on the net is very lively, opposing positions clash, but here we will try to clarify and report medical and scientific opinions without giving way to hearsay or clichés.

Our article is simply intended to answer questions about the world of cannabis and is in no way intended to encourage any illicit practice.

We advise you as always to respect the laws in force and take this opportunity to remind you that Justbob offers strictly legal cannabis products, such as CBD oil or legal hash.

Read also: The 6 best movies based on marijuana

Why does one lose one’s hair?

Losing hair, especially if it happens at a young age, can be a bad blow, sometimes even traumatic.

Hair loss can generate insecurity and discomfort in many people.

One can become unrecognisable, uncomfortable and, in these cases, a transplant – or a specific treatment – can calm these negative moods.

Although most people learn to live with it and overcome the initial disorientation.

But what are the reasons for hair loss?

  • The most common cause is certainly the genetic one – if you are predisposed, baldness will be hereditary;
  • hormonal changes occurring with advancing age, with the onset of the andropausa, may be another factor;
  • autoimmune diseases such as alopecia, but also disorders such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction or fungal infections.

But there are also psychological causes or due to an unhealthy lifestyle that could weaken the scalp and cause hair loss, such as:

  • psycho-physical stress or traumatic episodes;
  • an unhealthy diet lacking in vitamins, proteins and minerals;
  • some medications can cause thinning hair as a side effect, but also radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
  • another factor not to be overlooked is excessive, obsessive hair care with aggressive chemical products, such as gels or lotions, and the frequent use of hot plates or hairdryers.

Obviously this varies from person to person, but what makes the difference is genetic predisposition, because often, unfortunately baldness is hereditary.

Fortunately, however, research has made great strides and there are state-of-the-art transplantation systems that can solve the problem.

A boy with thick hair in profile in a park | Justbob

How the hormone DHT affects baldness

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a steroid hormone, a metabolite of testosterone and the main culprit in male pattern baldness.

DHT acts on hair follicles, contributes to the shortening of the hair’s life cycle, making it thinner and shorter, and even causing it to fall out.

This hormone is present in all humans but in those genetically predisposed to baldness it can accelerate hair loss.

DHT also has other functions including the regulation of libido, prostate growth and the development of male sexual characteristics during puberty. However, its role in hair loss is one of the most studied and relevant aspects of hair health.

Here is the hormone responsible then: gentlemen, we have a culprit!

Can marijuana make hair fall out?

The medical-scientific debate is still ongoing, there are no irrefutable data or certain theories, but we would like to inform you about the status of current research.

First of all, it is useful to say that THC acts on testosterone levels, but it is not clear how.

According to this research from 2017 for example, THC would raise testosterone levels, although not excessively, among 18-29 year old males. While, for other age ranges, the changes would be imperceptible.

A high level of testosterone weakens the hair follicle and can therefore affect baldness.

Therefore, if THC raises testosterone levels, it may contribute to hair loss, but again, studies are still ongoing and we only want to give you an idea of the various theories here.

Many studies have shown how marijuana use alters the normal hair growth cycle.

This is due to the way THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which among its many functions, is also involved in hair growth.

But is there unanimity among scientists?

No, indeed not. But according to most studies, marijuana can make hair thinner, especially in cases of genetic predisposition.

According to some researchers, cannabis use in fact contributes to the production of estradiol and raises testosterone levels, thus promoting hair growth in the body, but paradoxically weakening hair.

In addition, marijuana raises cortisol levels and this too could damage hair health.

However, we would like to reiterate the non-absolute value of these theories, which have yet to be proven.

CBD buds on a white background | Justbob

Can CBD prevent hair loss?

While THC would appear to be deleterious for those predisposed to baldness, CBD, on the other hand, according to some scientific studies, may make hair follicles stronger.

But this, it should be specified, varies from person to person, and even then studies are only just beginning.

Nevertheless, products such as CBD-based shampoos, supplements, oils and conditioners are increasingly popular and some research has shown their effectiveness in preventing hair loss.

For example, researchers Smith and Satino in 2021, conducted research on 28 men and 7 women with alopecia. For six months, participants were given CBD extract (4 mg) on the scalp once a day.
The scientists, even to their amazement, recorded a 93.5% increase in hair in the subjects, with no side effects.

We don’t want to dampen enthusiasm, but similar research, however, gave the opposite results.

We refer to a study by Gupta and Talukder of 2022 aimed at verifying the effects of THC on human hair bulbs.

Well, the scholars noted how THC inhibited stem elongation and proliferation of hair keratinocytes, even causing intraepithelial apoptosis and premature hair follicle regression.

Therefore, this research would show that THC causes hair loss.

The same Gupta and Talukder, however, hypothesised in a 2021 study that CBD could be very useful to prevent baldness and counteract the weakening of the hair bulb.

Antagonists of CB1 receptors could in fact, and we use the conditional, counteract hair loss.

Does marijuana make hair stronger and more resistant?

We have seen how the endocannabinoid system also takes care of the scalp.

A 2020 study by Vincenzi and Tosti, in this regard, found full-spectrum CBD to be useful in counteracting seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis of the scalp.

Therefore, shampoos and lotions could contribute to healthy hair and counteract its weakening.

Cannabidiol, according to some research, may also be helpful in counteracting the onset of dandruff, dry scalp and flaking.

CBD could in fact reduce oil production in the sebaceous glands and thus limit dandruff.

Finally, according to a 2023 study by Kaufmann conducted on rodents, CBD would reduce testosteron** levels, thus contributing to the strengthening of hair bulbs, but this test has not been replicated on humans.

Read also: Cannabis and religion: tracing the roots of marijuana across sacred traditions


Here we are at the end of our Trichological Clue!

We ventured out to discover a real Agatha Christie-style thriller, in search of the hormone guilty of hair loss: the infamous DHT!

For many people, losing their hair, especially in their late teens, can be a real trauma, affecting their daily lives and creating discomfort and insecurity.

Fortunately, research has made great strides in the field of hair transplants and many have been able to solve their baldness.

But what are the causes of hair loss? We have listed the most well-known ones, including psychological, physical, hereditary and lifestyle factors.

Finally, we wondered whether marijuana could influence hair loss.

We cited numerous studies, and most of them seemed to agree that yes, drinking cannabis frequently could weaken the scalp.

This happens because of how THC affects male testosterone, but this research is still in the definition phase.

In contrast, CBD, according to many researchers, could strengthen the hair bulb and prevent baldness. This is why there are more and more cannabidiol-based hair care products, such as shampoos, lotions and conditioners.

But even then, studies are only just beginning.

Here, we hope we have satisfied your curiosity on the subject and helped to bring some order to the matter.

Obviously, we reiterate that on similar issues it is always best to consult specialists in the field, dermatologists and trichology experts, and always rely on authoritative and reliable sources.

Well, thank you for your attention, see you soon on Justbob!


  • The main culprit of male pattern baldness, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is a steroid hormone that acts on hair follicles, causing hair loss. The presence of DHT is particularly relevant for those with a genetic predisposition to baldness.
  • THC, one of the main compounds in cannabis, may influence testosterone levels. Although research is still ongoing, some studies suggest that an increase in testosterone could contribute to hair loss.
  • CBD, another compound in cannabis, seems to have conflicting effects. Some research suggests that CBD could strengthen hair follicles, preventing hair loss. However, further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.
  • The interaction of cannabis with the endocannabinoid system can influence the hair growth cycle. While there are no definitive conclusions, it is important to consider how cannabis may affect scalp and follicle health.
  • The use of cannabis for therapeutic or recreational purposes may have different effects on hair health from person to person, depending on genetic factors, lifestyle, and other individual factors.


Can damaging the scalp occur from taking marijuana?

The effects of cannabis on the scalp are still under research. Some studies suggest that THC, a compound found in marijuana, may increase testosterone levels, which could weaken hair follicles and contribute to hair loss. However, research in this area is still ongoing, and there is no definitive conclusion.

How does the hormone DHT affect baldness?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone derived from testosterone and is a significant contributor to male pattern baldness. DHT acts on hair follicles, shortening the hair’s life cycle and causing thinning and reduced length, ultimately leading to hair loss.

Can CBD prevent hair loss?

There is some evidence to suggest that CBD, a compound derived from cannabis, may strengthen hair follicles and potentially prevent hair loss. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on hair health.