Modified on: 11/12/2024
Growing marijuana outdoors simply means growing it out of the greenhouse and not indoor. It is a method that is widely appreciated by CBD cannabis growers because it offers many advantages.
However, there are some difficulties, especially when climatic factors are taken into account. For these reasons, legal outdoor marijuana cultivation is particularly suitable for those who are already familiar with the area.
The most suitable legal cannabis varieties for outdoor cultivation are Indica varieties, as they do not require temperatures that are too high compared to Sativa.
Moving on to the subject of outdoor cultivation of CBD cannabis, we would like to remind our readers that the Justbob website, a legal hashish shop well known to the CBD, offers quality products with THC percentages prescribed by our country’s regulations.
By purchasing these pre-packaged products, you will benefit from convenient delivery (by anonymous parcel), to your home, and you will be able to avoid the risks or legal problems associated with the amateur cultivation of this much-discussed plant.

Growing outdoors: which varieties to choose?
The first piece of advice we would like to give beginners is to choose legal marijuana varieties for outdoor cultivation, depending on the time of year you want to start planting.
In general, spring is the most appropriate time. However, there are also unique varieties that are suitable for the winter period.
For those who live in northern, and therefore colder, regions, it is best to choose varieties that flower more quickly.
In this case, auto-flowering marijuana seeds are ideal, as they are not dependent on the photoperiod and therefore flower independently of seasonal changes.
Conversely, those who live in warmer climates have the option of choosing any genetics: Indica, Sativa or Ruderalis.
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The best Winter varieties
If you are growing CDB cannabis outdoors, you should pay special attention to the climate, the time when you want to start sowing and the different atmospheric agents that can affect the final quality of the crop.
It means that it is best to choose varieties that are more resistant to external factors so that they can withstand the cold outside. In this case, the best choice is the auto-flowering varieties, which, thanks to the many hybridisations that have taken place over the years, make it easier to grow outdoors.
One of the best winter varieties is undoubtedly also one of the most popular: White Widow. Originally from the Netherlands, it is well prepared for colder weather conditions.
Flowering lasts only 60 days and produces a harvest with an intense aroma, which is one of the most appreciated characteristics of this legal cannabis variety.
Another world-famous strain recommended for outdoor use is Northern Lights, a true queen of Indica genetics. Not only is it hardy, but it is also relatively easy to grow and takes only 6-8 weeks to produce a good crop.
This particular strain is incredibly hardy, a feature that makes it easily resistant to pests and mould.
We recommend that you pay special attention to outdoor cultivation in winter, as temperatures that are too low can slow down the growth of the crop, or even ruin the flowers completely.
It is why many growers still use pots: in case of heavy rain, it is easier to move the plants and avoid losing all the work done.

Outdoor cultivation: what do we know about auto-flowering varieties?
Throughout this article, we have often talked about auto-flowering strains, a novelty that has revolutionised the world of marijuana cultivation.
It’s the cross between Indica/Sativa and Ruderalis genetics from which they derive their resistance and adaptability to different climates (again, you can get legal hemp and CBD legal products including CBD flowers as available from our JustBob CBD online shop).
The particularity of these hybrids is the speed with which they grow and flower. In general, it can only take 2/4 weeks. Besides, they do not require constant care like the other varieties, so they are most popular with less experienced growers.
Autoflowering varieties do not need to follow the photoperiod compared to conventional types. Simply put, genetics hybridised in this way do not require 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.
However, auto-flowering marijuana offers an additional advantage: it comes partly from Ruderalis and reaches a low height of no more than 2 metres.
Growers have a wide range of legal auto-flowering seeds available for outdoor use, but they are also well suited for indoor cultivation.
Read also: Marijuana resin: the role of resin in the cannabis plant
Outdoor cultivation: what to look out for?
To keep nutrients and terpenes intact, growers need to consider several factors.
The most important things to consider are the following:
- the soil;
- the climate;
- water;
- the nutrients required by the variety.
We recommend not watering each plant: this could harm its growth, contrary to what is usually believed.
At the same time, it is best to choose the area that seems to be most exposed to the sun (7/8 hours may be enough) and which may be poorly ventilated.
At we offer a wide range of CBD cannabis (and CBD oil Sativa) which are fully certified as they are legal strains selected for their excellent quality.